hi peeps! coming back for second time today kkk. have you seen exo's overdose teaser? i know it was released a days ago but i just managed to watch it today sobs because too busy with school. but nevermind, now that i'd done watched it i want to spazz and fangirling about the teaser. even the teaser is fucking awesome. i fell in love for 87263523792938 times with exo. that fucking teaser is was about 37 seconds only but i got goosebumps err. exo really has a thing that i can't even describe it because you need to feel it by yourself.
eventhough overdose audio and dance practise got leaked but i never hear and watch to it. it's not a real way to support them only unpatient fans do that. i only saw the pictures uploading by others on twitter. so this is my first time hearing to overdose and it was fucking awesome. baekhyun's voice is really good on my ear. kyaaa byunbaek why did you do this to me!!111!! the dance also awesome did you notice the part when suho was at the top of kyungsoo. they formed exo logo wow so fucking awesome (if you can't relate, refer to above picture). imagine when they just got the choreo and do not get used to it and suho fell on kyungsoo hahaha i'm sorry my 'innocent' mind counter-attack.
now that the teaser was released i can't wait to watch the full mv. it will be reveal on 15th april on exo comeback show if i'm not mistaken. hihihi the mv will go booom with views even the teaser itself reached 2 millions in one day. let me share the teaser video for some of you that haven't watched it and let's increase the views because it was so awesome
do support exo with legal way okay don't trust shit rumour and share unconfirm information and last for all enjoy! can't wait for 15th april huahuahua